Monday, September 10, 2012

Romney Takes Aim at Jobs Report, Obama's Economic Policies

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney took aim at President Barack Obama's speech at the Democratic National Convention during an interview with Fox News on Friday morning, saying that he was "disappointed" with the president's remarks. He also placed the blame for the tepid August jobs report , which was released that same day, squarely on Obama's shoulders, saying that America "needs policies coming from Washington that are fiscally sound."

Meanwhile, Romney's running mate, U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, gave an interview that morning to CNBC in which he also criticized the president's handling of the economy, saying that the August jobs report isn't "even close to what recovery looks like." Ryan also said that "this is not what President Obama promised," and that he would "argue this is the result of failed leadership in Washington."

Here is some of the key information regarding Romney's reactions on Friday to the August jobs report and Obama's speech before the DNC on Thursday evening.

* Romney spoke to Fox News before a campaign appearance in Sioux City, Iowa. He had also given a short news conference just after landing in the state as well, in which he told the media that "the president has been unable to deliver on virtually any of the promises he made when he ran for office four years ago."

* The Republican candidate was also quick to respond to the criticism from Obama and other prominent Democrats regarding his foreign policy credentials, which revolved around remarks Romney made before the London Olympics last month. Romney told reporters in Iowa that he was "very pleased" that he could talk about his views on the Olympics given his previous Olympics experience, before reportedly turning the conversation back to the president and his approach to China, according to ABC News.

* Romney had also criticized the president and the Democratic National Convention in a statement released before his television and campaign appearances on Friday, where he first referenced the August jobs report, saying that "If last night was the party, this morning is the hangover," as quoted by the Washington Post.

* The president, for his part, admitted during a campaign stop in New Hampshire on Friday that the growth detailed in the August jobs report was "not good enough," as quoted by CNN, before detailing his plans for economic recovery if he wins a second term in office.

* Reuters quoted a statement by Alan Krueger, who is the chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors. Krueger said that "while there is more work that remains to be done," the jobs report "provides further evidence that the U.S. economy is continuing to recover."


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