Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Keep Your Brain Young with Exercise | Wellness ... - To Your Health

There is a growing list of health benefits provided by routine exercise. Regular exercise reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, several cancers (including breast cancer) and fibromyalgia. Exercise also lowers blood pressure, lowers bad cholesterol, increases your heart health and increases your life expectancy.

In addition to the above, studies are demonstrating that exercise slows the effects of aging on your brain. A recent study notes that ?a rapidly growing literature strongly suggests that exercise, specifically aerobic exercise, may attenuate cognitive impairment and reduce dementia risk.?

Science is showing us that the concept of the ?couch potato? not only relates to our physical fitness, but to our mental fitness as well. The research clearly tells us that lack of exercise exposes us to all sorts to terribly diseases, including dementia, and ultimately an early death.

It may seem like a struggle, but exercise is key to a quality life.

Read the Full Report

Tags: cognitive impairment, dementia, exercise


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