Developing ?n utility space w?th ???r authentic residence layout ?? ?n extremely intelligent th???ht. Th?? way ??? m?? ????? ??? ???r power kitchen appliances ?n one location. Wh?n ??? ??n m?k? sure th?t ???r heating ?n? cooling method, hot fill up heater, ?n? power solar panel multi functional quickly found region, ?t w??? ??k??? b? simpler t? services th?m, ?n? ??? w??? probably stay away fr?m throwing away a f?nt??t?? deal ?f space f?r storage b? having th?m ?n different areas ?n ???r home.
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In today?s society, protecting Your computer Is a requirement. Most people realise that the advance in computer technology effects us both positively and negatively. On one hand, it affords us quick and easy access to numerous conveniences such as bank statements, favorite shopping centers, school and health records, and more. However it has also opened all of our information to hackers. The history of computer has now sadly been dominated by huge hacking stories.
There?s nothing innocent or cute about the hacker. Today?s hackers aren?t the pimply-faced teen rebels that you might be thinking of. The introduction of using personal information online has allowed individuals to steal this information and make a living through other peoples hard earning. And protection is not at large.
We?ve taken the time to introduce computer security to you because it is now more important than ever. There are some methods you can use which will make it harder for someone to get hold of your identity information. All that?s needed is a little software and a lot of common sense.
1. Install an anti-virus/anti-spyware program. By using this software you add an extra layer of protection which will look at what you browse and download and make sure there is nothing dodgy inside. The code that the virus programs execute can very easily make your computer unuseable and allow back door access to a hacker.
2. Keep important data away from a PC with the internet. Even if someone was to gain unauthorised access to your data, if there is nothing worth while there then there is a high chance they will simply leave your system alone. Hackers look for things like full names, social security numbers, phone numbers, home addresses, work-related information, and credit card numbers. If these things aren?t saved onto a computer, there?s nothing critical to worry about other than restoring your computer to a non-virus condition.
3. You should use your anti-virus to scan anything you download. In the past, the warning was to avoid opening files from people that you don?t know. Today it?s really not safe to open files from anyone (without scanning the files) because that?s how viruses get spread ? through files ? even by mistake. So even though your co-worker may have emailed a funny video, it?s no more safe to open than a video downloaded from a complete stranger. Where it is by email or some other file sharing program, simply scan everything that you possibly can.
4. Create a barrier between your computer and prying eyes. You can anti-spyware and virus software; however these are not always effective. There is always the option to add another layer of security by using a firewall. A firewall is software that checks all data entering and exiting a computer and it then blocks that which doesn?t meet specified security criteria (user-defined rules).
5. Don?t click on website links in spam messages. It is common for spam email messages to ask you to click on some sort of link. The email messages are often disguised as important messages from well-known online establishments, and they often try to scare their readers into clicking links with threats of closing an account of some sort. Sometimes these links will tell you to download some software, however other times they will simply phish for your information.
You can protect yourself from crime with simple knowledge. Hopefully the suggestions above will prompt you into taking appropriate action and into protecting your computer with the suggested tools. You will not only be helping yourself, but also helping others by stopping a program in its tracks.
If you?ve been thinking to yourself, ? my computer is very slow?, there may be things you can do to help your slow computer. Visit
While some critics laud Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum's 'genuine chemistry,' others say their characters are underdeveloped. By Eric Ditzian
Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum in "The Vow" Photo: Sony Pictures
Based on a highly unscientific poll of friends, family and coworkers, everyone is positive "The Vow" is a Nicholas Sparks movie and remains unconvinced when informed the romance novelist had no involvement in the pre-Valentine's drama.
The folks at Sony, though, likely aren't complaining about any confusion. While "The Vow" hasn't been winning over critics (it's currently at just 32 percent freshness on Rotten Tomatoes), the film is tracking very well. Box-office prognosticators are eyeing a $30 million-plus opening and Fox, which had slated its own date-night flick, "This Means War," for a February 14 opening, ended up shifting back the release to avoid competition.
About those "Vow" critics. They haven't been kind, calling the characters poorly sketched and the film generally a maudlin affair. Other reviews, however, have lauded Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams' performances, as well as the film's tonal similarities to Sparks-adapted fare like "The Notebook." For those critiques and more, read on for a deep dive into "The Vow" reviews.
The Story "Despite the sweet story — lovely couple, car wreck, brain injury, she forgets him, he loves her anyway — and the beautiful scenery — cool converted warehouse spaces, snowy Chicago streets, Lake Michigan in the moonlight, and of course Tatum and McAdams — this is a movie that leaves you wanting more. To care more, to cry more, to love more. Inspired by a true story, it begins with a date night at the movies for young marrieds Paige (McAdams) and Leo (Tatum). Then an accident on the way home, capped by a trip to the emergency room that feels like a pale version of 'Grey's Anatomy,' changes everything. When Paige wakes up from a medically induced coma, her memory has been wiped clean, and thus starts Leo's bid to help her remember their life and their love, and when she doesn't, he tries to get her to fall for him again." — Betsy Sharkey, Los Angeles Times
The Performances "The best thing in the film is McAdams, who moves through her post-amnesia scenes with a plausible mix of good humor and wariness. Her character retains our sympathy even when she's making other people's lives difficult, and you can see why Tatum's Leo clings to her for dear life. He's well cast as a burly lug who married far above his station. Despite that 'nobody's home' air of his, he projects an uncomplicated decency, and you feel for him when McAdams' disapproving parents (the underutilized Sam Neill and Jessica Lange) show him no love." — Colin Covert, Minneapolis Star Tribune
The Nicholas Sparks Comparison "You root for McAdams and Tatum because they show some genuine chemistry together; you sense that these two are better with each other than apart. The screenplay, though, pulls things into gooey Nicholas Sparks territory (familiar turf for McAdams, who starred in the film of Sparks' novel, 'The Notebook'). ... All of these people seem like lazy sketches rather than developed characters; it's tempting to wonder how moving 'The Vow' might have been if they'd been allowed to breathe and live." — Moira Macdonald, The Seattle Times
The Valentine's Day Reality "Arriving for Valentine's Day weekend, 'The Vow' is a cinematic box of candy wrapped in bright red cellophane. Like any box of chocolates, you have to bite a lot of bad centers to get to the few good ones. ... Unfortunately, most of the movie focuses on Leo's much less challenging point of view as the hurt and forgotten lover. This includes an absurdly unnecessary narration by Leo filled with gibberish about moments of 'impact.' Eventually the film works its way to what is more intriguing: how disorienting and painful it is for Paige to wake up in a completely different personality and world." — Louis B. Parks,
The Bottom Line " 'The Vow' is the rare chick flick that's about brain trauma in addition to being a cause of it. It's what you might get if the eminent neurologist-author Oliver Sacks tried his hand at a True Romance comic, and, as such, it's quite watchable date-night cheese — the kind of movie you can simultaneously snort at and enjoy." — Ty Burr, Boston Globe
Are you planning on seeing "The Vow" this weekend? Leave your comment below.
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WASHINGTON (AP) ? Trust your doctor? A survey finds that some doctors aren't always completely honest with their patients.
More than half admitted describing someone's prognosis in a way they knew was too rosy. Nearly 20 percent said they hadn't fully disclosed a medical mistake for fear of being sued. And 1 in 10 of those surveyed said they'd told a patient something that wasn't true in the past year.
The survey, by Massachusetts researchers and published in this month's Health Affairs, doesn't explain why, or what wasn't true.
"I don't think that physicians set out to be dishonest," said lead researcher Dr. Lisa Iezzoni, a Harvard Medical School professor and director of Massachusetts General Hospital's Mongan Institute for Health Policy. She said the untruths could have been to give people hope.
But it takes open communication for patients to make fully informed decisions about their health care, as opposed to the "doctor-knows-best" paternalism of medicine's past, Iezzoni added.
The survey offers "a reason for patients to be vigilant and to be very clear with their physician about how much they do want to know," she said.
The findings come from a 2009 survey of more than 1,800 physicians nationwide to see if they agree with and follow certain standards medical professionalism issued in 2002. Among the voluntary standards are that doctors should be open and honest about all aspects of patient care, and promptly disclose any mistakes.
A third of those surveyed didn't completely agree that doctors should 'fess up about mistakes. That's even though a growing number of medical centers are adopting policies that tell doctors to say "I'm sorry" up front, in part because studies have found patients less likely to sue when that happens.
Not revealing a mistake is "just inexcusable," said Dr. Arthur Caplan, a prominent medical ethicist at the University of Pennsylvania. Beyond decency, "your care now has to be different because of what happened."
The vast majority of those surveyed agreed that physicians should fully inform patients of the risks, not just the benefits, of treatment options and never tell a patient something that isn't true ? even though some admitted they hadn't followed that advice at least on rare occasions in the past year.
Perhaps least surprising is that doctors give overly positive prognoses. It's hard to deliver bad news, especially when a patient has run out of options, and until recently doctors have had little training in how to do so. But Iezzoni said patients with the worst outlook especially deserve to know, so they can get their affairs in order, and patient studies have found most want to know.
What else might doctors not tell? There are shades of gray, said Caplan, the ethicist. For example, he's heard doctors agonize over what to tell parents about a very premature baby's chances, knowing the odds are really bad but also knowing they've seen miracles.
Doctors prescribe placebos sometimes, and telling the patient could negate chances of the fake treatment helping, he noted. Sometimes they exaggerate a health finding to shock the patient into shaping up.
And sometimes it's a matter of dribbling out a hard truth to give patients a chance to adjust, Caplan said: "OK, this looks serious but we're going to order some more tests," when the doctor already knows just how grim things are.
Withholding the full story is getting harder, though, Iezzoni said. Not only do more patients Google their conditions so they know what to ask, but some doctors who have embraced electronic medical records allow patients to log in and check their own test results.
(Reuters) ? Network equipment maker Systems Inc said second quarter earnings and revenue beat average estimates, leading it to increase its dividend.
Revenue rose 10.6 percent from the year-ago quarter to $11.5 billion. Analysts on average were expecting $11.23 billion.
Net income grew to $2.2 billion, or 40 cents per share, from $1.5 billion, or $27 per share, a year earlier.
Excluding items, earnings were 47 cents per share, beating the average estimate of 43 cents a share, as compiled by Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.
Cisco said on Wednesday it plans to pay a quarterly dividend of $0.08 per common share, up 2 cents from the previous quarter.
"Our operational focus continues to yield positive results - we hit our billion dollar expense reduction a quarter early," Chief Executive John Chambers said in a statement on Wednesday.
Cisco, a sector bellwether because of its global scale and diverse client base, last year scaled back on consumer businesses and laid off thousands in a sweeping 4-month overhaul, aiming to cut expenses by $1 billion.
"It's a nice upside surprise," Joanna Makris, analyst at Mizuho Securities, said.
"Broadly speaking, people expected a good quarter. This is probably a little better than expected and the dividend is an added surprise," she added.
Cisco's core business is routers and switches, which direct Internet traffic, but the company has also focused on data centers, enabling and providing cloud computing technology and video platforms.
(Reporting By Nicola Leske in New York; Additional reporting by Alexei Oreskovic in San Francisco; Editing by Richard Chang)
Can indigenous insects be used against the light brown apple moth?Public release date: 8-Feb-2012 [ | E-mail | Share ]
Contact: Richard Levine 301-731-4535 Entomological Society of America
A new study in Environmental Entomology suggests that insects native to California may be suitable biocontrol agents against the light brown apple moth
The light brown apple moth (LBAM), Epiphyas postvittana (Walker), an invasive insect from Australia, was found in California in 2006. The LBAM feeds on apples, pears, stonefruits, citrus, grapes, berries and many other plants. A native of Australia, it has been found in California since 2007. The California Department of Food and Agriculture has spent more than $70 million in CDFA and USDA funds to eradicate the LBAM, and estimates that failure to eradicate it could cost California growers over $133 million per year.
In "Light Brown Apple Moth in California: A Diversity of Host Plants and Indigenous Parasitoids," a new study published in Environmental Entomology, the authors surveyed plants that were especially susceptible to LBAM infestations in order to find suitable insect parasitoids to be used as biocontrol agents to control the LBAM.
Twelve primary parasitoid species and two hyperparasitoids were then reared. The most common were the egg parasitoid Trichogramma fasciatum (Perkins), the larval parasitoids Meteorus ictericus Nees, and Enytus eureka (Ashmead), and the pupal parasitoid Pediobius ni Peck. Meteorus ictericus accounted for more than 80% of the larval parasitoids, and was recovered from larvae collected on 39 plant species. Across all samples, mean parasitism was 84.4% for eggs, 43.6% for larvae, and 57.5% for pupae.
The results show that resident parasitoids may already be contributing to the suppression of LBAM populations in California, at least on the host plant species monitored in the surveys. Further work may show whether adequate suppression of LBAM can be achieved by resident parasitoids present in the urban environments of California or whether introductions of specialized parasitoid species from Australia would aid in the future management of this new invader.
As the LBAM expands its range in California, the authors suggest that additional parasitoid species will be found using this pest as a novel host and that further studies will better elucidate the levels of pest suppression and help to determine the need for classical biological controls, as well as targeting those natural enemies that might best fit into the parasitoid assemblage already present in California.
The full Environmental Entomology article is available at
Environmental Entomology is published by the Entomological Society of America (, the largest organization in the world serving the professional and scientific needs of entomologists and people in related disciplines.
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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
Can indigenous insects be used against the light brown apple moth?Public release date: 8-Feb-2012 [ | E-mail | Share ]
Contact: Richard Levine 301-731-4535 Entomological Society of America
A new study in Environmental Entomology suggests that insects native to California may be suitable biocontrol agents against the light brown apple moth
The light brown apple moth (LBAM), Epiphyas postvittana (Walker), an invasive insect from Australia, was found in California in 2006. The LBAM feeds on apples, pears, stonefruits, citrus, grapes, berries and many other plants. A native of Australia, it has been found in California since 2007. The California Department of Food and Agriculture has spent more than $70 million in CDFA and USDA funds to eradicate the LBAM, and estimates that failure to eradicate it could cost California growers over $133 million per year.
In "Light Brown Apple Moth in California: A Diversity of Host Plants and Indigenous Parasitoids," a new study published in Environmental Entomology, the authors surveyed plants that were especially susceptible to LBAM infestations in order to find suitable insect parasitoids to be used as biocontrol agents to control the LBAM.
Twelve primary parasitoid species and two hyperparasitoids were then reared. The most common were the egg parasitoid Trichogramma fasciatum (Perkins), the larval parasitoids Meteorus ictericus Nees, and Enytus eureka (Ashmead), and the pupal parasitoid Pediobius ni Peck. Meteorus ictericus accounted for more than 80% of the larval parasitoids, and was recovered from larvae collected on 39 plant species. Across all samples, mean parasitism was 84.4% for eggs, 43.6% for larvae, and 57.5% for pupae.
The results show that resident parasitoids may already be contributing to the suppression of LBAM populations in California, at least on the host plant species monitored in the surveys. Further work may show whether adequate suppression of LBAM can be achieved by resident parasitoids present in the urban environments of California or whether introductions of specialized parasitoid species from Australia would aid in the future management of this new invader.
As the LBAM expands its range in California, the authors suggest that additional parasitoid species will be found using this pest as a novel host and that further studies will better elucidate the levels of pest suppression and help to determine the need for classical biological controls, as well as targeting those natural enemies that might best fit into the parasitoid assemblage already present in California.
The full Environmental Entomology article is available at
Environmental Entomology is published by the Entomological Society of America (, the largest organization in the world serving the professional and scientific needs of entomologists and people in related disciplines.
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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.